MACSIM 4 at Rutgers University took place on Friday, October 17 and Saturday, October 18, 2014. Thanks to everyone who attended for making it such a successful event! 

The archived event details are below. Take a peek at our photo album to see who was there and what went on.

Archived information:

We’re excited for you to join us for MACSIM 4 at Rutgers University.  Here’s what you need to know.

Everyone who is planning on attending should have already registered. (Thank you!)

Information about Accommodation is at the very bottom of this page. We have coordinated hosts for all grad students indicated a need for crash space on their registration form. We will aim to reimburse travel for up to 4 graduate student presenters (3 posters, 1 talk) from each of the 8 participating schools.

Download the full PROGRAM here!

ling house

Friday’s Roundtable

Invited speakers: Lucas Champollion (NYU), Kathryn Davidson (Yale), Veneeta Dayal (Rutgers)

Download the roundtable abstracts here!

Location: Room 108, first floor of the Linguistics Department (18 Seminary Place, College Ave. Campus, New Brunswick)  (Within walking distance of the train station)

Time: 4 to 7 pm

Each speaker will have 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion. We will break shortly, then reconvene for a general discussion.

Saturday’s events

Location: Rutgers Student Center (126 College Ave, New Brunswick)  (Within walking distance of the train station and the department).  Talks and breaks will be in Room 411. The poster session, meals, and the party will be in the Red Lion Café in the basement.


9:30 am – 10:00 am       Welcome! Breakfast & registration (4th floor)

Optional poster setup time (Red Lion Café in basement–but hurry back up!)

10:00 am – 11:00 am    Invited talk

              Anna Papafragou (University of Delaware) Encoding events in Language and Cognition

11:00 am – 11:15 am    Break

11:15 am – 12:15 pm    Talk session 1 (2 talks)

              Jeremy Kuhn (NYU) Functional reference in American Sign Language

              Emily Wilson (CUNY) Deriving the most internal relative reading in English

12:15 pm – 12:30 pm    Break/transition to poster session

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm      Lunch/Poster session I (See full list of poster presenters below!)

1:45 pm – 3:00 pm        Lunch/Poster session II (This isn’t “below” enough! Scroll down for poster presenters!)

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm       Break/transition to talk session  – Caffeinate!

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm        Talk session 2 (2 talks)

              Kaitlyn Harrigan (UMD) Children’s knowledge of the meanings of want, think, & hope

              David Rubio Vallejo (UDel) Stronger counterfactuality

4:15 pm – 4:30 pm       Break

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm       Talk session 3 (2 talks)

              Mingming Liu (Rutgers) Mandarin dou as an exhaustification operator

              Kristen Johannes (Johns Hopkins) Revisiting the case for underspecified spatial meanings

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm       MACSIM Business Meeting

6:00 pm – 10:30 pm     Dinner/party

(You’re on you’re own after this, all you night owls, if you want to keep the party going.)


Poster presenters

              Poster Session I

Mao-Hsu Chen (UPenn) Accommodation of presupposition in quantified sentences

Pyeong Whan Cho (Johns Hopkins) A single mechanism view of Noun-Noun compound comprehension

Amy Goodwin Davies (UPenn) Definite morphology in Swedish Determiner Phrases

Hillary Harner (Georgetown) Want, belief and likelihood

Sarah Hansen (Rutgers) Contrasting contrast connectives: What we can learn from but, however, and nevertheless

Yuki Ito (UMD) The composition of nominal/adjectival essentially plural predicates

Michael McCourt (UMD) Implicit agents and remote control

Billy Xu (Rutgers) Asking and expecting: What nandao tells us about bias in questions

Vera Zu (NYU) Discourse participants, attitude holders and pronoun binding

              Poster Session II

Vandana Bajaj (Rutgers) Scalar endpoints, rank orderings, and exclusivity in Hindi -hii

Haitao Cai (UPenn) Unity, plurality and the mass/count distinction

Yanyan Cui (Georgetown) Microvariations within embedded concord modals

Quinn Harr (UMD) Epistemic modals have been misunderstood

Sofia Kasyanenko (NYU) Group formation in Russian

Shih-Yueh Lin (NYU) Chinese Q-particles in (Non-) interrogative context

Drew Reisinger (Johns Hopkins) Priority effects in context-dependent meanings

Einar Sigurðsson (UPenn) ‘By’-phrases in the Icelandic impersonal modal construction

Mengxi Yuan (JHU/City University of Hong Kong) The real meaning of the Mandarin adverb zendhe ‘really’

Download the full PROGRAM here!



We can provide limited crash space for students. Please indicate your need for this on the registration form. Here are other nearby accommodation options:

Hyatt Regency (New Brunswick) (in walking distance: 15-20 minutes)

The Heldrich (in walking distance: 20-25 minutes)

University Inn and Conference Center (accessible via campus bus)

Econo Lodge (within driving distance/taxi)

Madison Suites (within driving distance/taxi)

Holiday Inn, Tower Center (within driving distance/taxi)

Hilton, Tower Center (within driving distance/taxi)

OK, I’m done reading! Take me to the TOP of the page.