General Information
MACSIM 6 will take place on Saturday, Oct. 1st at Hunter College, CUNY.
Funding for MACSIM 6 is provided by the Department of Linguistics at the Graduate Center (CUNY) and the Graduate Center’s Advanced Research Collaborative.
The registration form is now up! Please register as soon as you can so we can plan our catering/space.
Abstracts are due on Tuesday September 20th. Please limit your abstracts to a maximum length of two letter-size pages (including references), with 1-inch margins on all sides, and a font no smaller than 11pt. Please send your abstracts to macsim6cuny (symbol rhyming with “hat”) gmail (symbol rhyming with “hot”) com.
Directions to Hunter College
Hunter College is located at 695 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065.
Subway directions:Â The 6 train stops directly under the College at the 68th Street station. Alternatively, you can take the F train to the East 63rd Street and Lexington Avenue stop, and walk to Hunter at 68th and Lexington.
You can find a PDF map of the NYC subway here.
Financial Support for presenters
We aim to reimburse all graduate student presenters for their trip to New York (bus/economy train). To make this possible with our limited budget, we ask that presenters try their best to use inexpensive means of transport. We will also provide crash space, courtesy of CUNY/NYU students, for those who need it. The paperwork for reimbursement will be posted soon.
Schedule (download the full program PDF here)
Location information: all talks will be held in Hunter West, Rm 714. The poster sessions will be held in the Hunter West Faculty Dining Room.
Poster sessions
Nattanun Chanchaochai (Penn)
Comprehension and production of personal reference terms in Thai-speaking children with autism spectrum disorders
Karen Clothier and Akira Omaki (Johns Hopkins)
The interaction between native LF representations and input distributions in second language acquisition
Myrto Grigoroglou and Anna Papafragou (UDel)
Children’s informativeness in event descriptions
Quinn Harr (UMD)
In what sense is “might†an epistemic modal?
Najoung Kim (Johns Hopkins), Jung-Ho Kim (KAIST, South Korea), Maria K. Wolters (Edinburgh), Sarah E. MacPherson (Edinburgh), and Jong C. Park (KAIST, South Korea)
Approximating the semantic structures behind category fluency sequences
Songhee Kim (NYU)
Adverbial composition in the left anterior temporal lobe
Sarah Kresh (CUNY)
A rating study of frozen scope in the English VP-internal locative alternation
Augustina Owusu (Rutgers)
Actuality Entailment in Akan
Milena Å ereikaite (Penn)
Strong versus weak definites in Lithuanian
Sheng-Fu Wang (NYU)
Long-chong — a distributive and anti-distributive operator in Taiwanese
Akitaka Yamada (Georgetown)
A Generalized Quantifier approach to embedded interrogative clauses
Session 2
Tally Callahan (CUNY)
“Just”, “only”, and the two differences that keep them from being the same
Lucia Donatelli (Georgetown)
Spanish deadjectival verbs: Argument structure and lexical derivation
Masha Esipova (NYU)
Alternatives matter: Contrastive focus and presupposition projection in standard triggers and co-speech gestures
Jeffrey Green (UMD)
Pragmatic control of rationale clauses
Nick Huang (UMD)
Syntactic bootstrapping with minimal morphosyntactic cues: Learning Mandarin Chinese attitude verb meanings
Jooyoung Kim (UDel)
Purposive interrogative adjuncts
Jess H.-K. Law (Rutgers)
Experimental evidence for the discourse potential of bare nouns in Mandarin
Yeonju Lee (CUNY)
NPI licensing and the role of phonological phrasing in Korean
Ellie Pavlick and Chris Callison-Burch (Penn)
So-called non-subsective adjectives
Drew Reisinger (Johns Hopkins)
Case and content: A cross-linguistic corpus study
David Rubio Vallejo (UDel)
Negation, focus alternatives, and perfect tense